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KDP Evergreen Marriage Books

This page is dedicated to KDP Evergreen Marriage Books where Kindle And normal books are recommended that will help you in your marriage. It is through these books and investment in them that your marriage will improve and your relationship become greater.

Amazing Evergreen Marriage Books for You

This page is dedicated to KDP Evergreen Marriage Books where Kindle And normal books are recommended that will help you in your marriage. It is through these books and investment in them that your marriage will improve and your relationship become greater. This will help you personally at home as well as both in your work and in your business.

You can change your life by taking action today and following through with your decision for three weeks to form a habit and stick to it for
10,000 hours by consistently taking action which will move you to a place you have never been before called success.

Marriage Help

Marriage Help


Are you struggling to reconnect with your significant other and restore the passion just like many years before? Do you want to improve communication and grow intimacy and love with your partner?
If you answered YES to these questions, you are going to want to continue reading.



This is a well-explained book that revealed the secret of marriage and relationships that last longer. You will also find out how to manage crises in marriage and their lasting solutions. There are things that matter in every relationship. Digging deep into the issues that generate joy and happiness that last in your relationships. Let’s go to the book and follow the series accordingly.


Are you struggling in a marriage or relationship

Are you struggling in a marriage or relationship?

Do you have problems maintaining your marriage or relationship?
You are in the right place to get your problems solved. It doesn’t matter if you are not married yet. You can get this book and have the knowledge now.
problems in marriage, sometimes are inevitable and we cannot keep losing relationships due to poor handling.
Get this book and be rest assured that you will have no problems in your relationship or marriage as you apply the methods highlighted in this book.
Procrastination won’t do you any good, buy the book now.

Men and Marriage

Men and Marriage 

“Timely when originally published, Men and Marriage is essential now given the warlike climate of
male-female relationships, unfortunately, fostered by radical feminism.”
Rush Limbaugh

Men and Marriage is a critical commentary that asks the
burning question, How can society survive the pervasive disintegration of the
family? A profound crisis faces modern social order as traditional family
relationships become almost unrecognizable.
George Gilder’s Men and Marriage is a revised and expanded
edition of his 1973 landmark work, Sexual Suicide. He examines
the deterioration of the family, the well-defined sex roles it offered, and how
this change has shifted the focus of our society. Poverty, for instance, stems
from the destruction of the family when unmarried parents are abandoned by
their lovers or older women are divorced because society approves of their
husbands’ younger girlfriends.

Wedding Video - Creating A Memorable Gift

If you’re looking for ways to spice up your relationship, there are many things that can be done to help bring back the passion. One way to do this is to make a wedding video of your own. This is something that can be very romantic and can also be a great way to document memories of your wedding day. It can also serve as a keepsake for future generations.

Making a wedding video can be fun and exciting. You can choose from a variety of different options and styles when making one. You can have it done professionally or you can even make it yourself. The choice is yours.

There are many reasons why people make a wedding video. Some people want to create a record of their special day. Others may want to share their love story with their children or grandchildren. There are also couples who want to give gifts to family members that have moved away. This is a great way to show them how much they mean to them.

A wedding video can be made using a number of different styles and formats. The most common type is called DVD. This type of format is available in standard and high definition. You can also get it on CD, but it won’t look nearly as good as it would on DVD. Another option is to make a digital video file that you can then upload to the internet.

You will need a few items to make your wedding video. First, you will need a camera. If you plan to use a digital camera, you will need a card reader. You will also need a computer with an internet connection and a DVD recorder. You can either buy these items separately or you can purchase a package deal that contains everything you need.

Once you have all of the equipment, you can start taking pictures. You can either take them with your own camera or you can use a professional photographer’s photos. When you have your pictures taken, you can put them onto your computer. Then you will need to find a program that will allow you to edit them. Once you have the pictures edited, you can then convert them into a movie format. This will allow you to burn the files onto a DVD.

Making a wedding film is a great way to celebrate your special day. You can make it into a gift for loved ones or you can keep it for yourself. Either way, it will be something that you will treasure for years to come.

Savage Marriage

Savage Marriage

Are you hurting and broken from the pain in your marriage?

Have you lost all hope for change?

Does your marriage need a miracle to survive?

Savage Marriage is a lifeline of hope and encouragement for people looking for answers on how to heal some of the most challenging marital problems. Phil and Priscilla each, from their own perspectives, describe Phil’s confession of his secret betrayal that started with pornography but progressed to massage parlors, shattering their twenty-eight-year, picture-perfect marriage. Phil’s admission launched Priscilla into her own process of brokenness and self-discovery. Their hearts of humility, commitment, and spiritual intimacy accelerated their healing and deeply rooted their relationship.

True Love And Long Lasting Love

True Love And Long Lasting Love

Wonder why True Love has been avoiding you? This Book allows you to look at all elements of your life and work out where you may be going wrong. The Getting to Know You Questionnaire will take you through all aspects of your life so that you may come to know yourself and love yourself which is the beginning point. Only then can you find and hear the voice of True Love & Happiness in your dating, relationship, courting, and marriages.

Are you seeking your soul mate? Do you feel like love has escaped you for years? Well, today you may get the answers to the questions you have always had about love in the book “The voice of genuine love and long-lasting love”. Written by George Moses, this book is a guideline for the soul that desires to find his/her one true love.

A Biblical View On Relationships

A Biblical View On Relationships

We live in a world today amongst brothers and sisters who are hurting. The result of depression in singleness, broken relationships, unhappy marriages, and lacking intimacy with children. Why does it have to be this way? The keyword here is relationships; lack of Christ-centered relationships to be exact! As a people, we have failed to live by the practical steps provided in Scripture and have opted for something else. We have opted to do things our way and not God’s way. It’s no news now that we have failed with our flawed system, therefore, the sensible thing to do now embraces what the Bible offers. How to build true, supportive, personal, faith-building, and selfless relationships between men and women.

Making marriage sweet

Making marriage sweet


Take Action Today

Do You realize that your qualification that may get you a job is just a starting point and that's all? Don't make the mistake of sitting on your job for forty years while hoping you will get success because the truth is you may not ever get what you are looking for. You have to step out and build your own boat and set your own sail if you want true success. Make a decision not to be a failure in life by grabbing the opportunity with both hands and then TAKE MASSIVE ACTION. Diehard4education will help you to succeed if you remain positive in the way you think.

Marriage Video Reviews - Find Out What Your Spouse or Partner Really Wants To See

Marriage videos are becoming more and more popular with people. There are many reasons why people are looking to find out more about their spouse or partner. The most common reason is because they have been cheated on, they want to know if there is a chance for them to get back together, or they just want to learn more about their partner. Marriage video reviews can answer any questions you may have about your spouse or partner.

There are many different ways to make a marriage video review. You can go to a video store and rent a movie that shows your spouse or partner getting married. Or you can make a video yourself and send it to your spouse or partner. You can also look online at sites like YouTube or Google Videos to find a video of your spouse or partner doing something special. You can even find videos of couples having fun together or doing things that are funny.

Wedding Planning Book

Wedding Planning Book

Wedding Planning Book: 8.5″ by 11″

Minimalist wedding planner & organizer to help you manage, organize and plan your
perfect wedding day with checklists, budget planner, guest planner, and other
essential sections that cover all aspects of wedding planning up to the honeymoon.

PLAN YOUR VISION: Write down your ideas in the first section of this book,
included are vision boards for your ceremony, reception, wedding checklist, & to-do list.
PREPARE YOUR WEDDING: Use the budget planner section to help
you estimate your expense starting from accommodations, bridal attire, etc.
A gift registry, paper goods checklist, registry wish list, and sections for searching
for the perfect wedding dress and wedding rings are also included.



You can be in the right relationship with the right person, yet despite investing years, you are yet to hear the expected question ‘will you marry me?’ This could be because you are not playing according to the secrets that can change your status from girlfriend to wife in three months. but, this book provides answers to your questions and fears.

Perhaps he is not receiving the right assurances from you, meanwhile, you are thinking he is scared of commitment. This book provides very simple solutions which can work miracles for your goal of being married.

The secrets shared here are age-long and are not without proves.

The Secret Art of Being a Parent

The Secret Art of Being a Parent

The natural follow-up to The Secret Art of Being a Grown-Up, this bright and friendly book is packed with non-judgmental tips, tricks, and perks to make parenting easier and more fun. The topics covered range from the practical to the emotional – but always with a light touch and playful tone – and the content focuses mostly on newborns and babies, but also has some advice for parenting toddlers. Each piece of bite-sized advice is presented in a graphic, illustrated format with quirky, colourful illustrations.


Keys To a Successful and Happy Marriage

Building a perfect marriage

Wise couples realize that a nice home, car, or retirement account may appear nice to have, but they do not make a successful marriage. They understand that there are far more important principles at play.

Success in marriage does not come merely through finding the right matebut through being the right mate.

Marriages take work, commitment, and love, but they also need Respect to be truly happy and successful.

When you are making a marriage video review, you need to think about what you want to include in the video. The best way to do this is to ask your spouse or partner what they would like to see in the video. This will help you decide what you want to include. You can also make suggestions. For example, if you notice that your spouse or partner likes to dance, then you could make a video of your spouse or partner dancing. Or if your spouse or partner has a hobby such as gardening, you could make a video of them showing off their garden. You can also make a video of your spouse talking about how they feel about your spouse or partner. This can be very helpful when trying to repair a relationship.

You should try to make a marriage video review that is as close to your spouse or partner’s idea as possible. You can use the same movie, but change the order of the scenes so that they match up with what your spouse or partner wants to see. If you don’t want to spend the money to rent a movie, then you can record a video of your spouse or your partner doing something that is special to them.

Once you have made a marriage video review, you can send it to your spouse or your partner. They will love watching it!

The Imperfect Perfect Marriage

The Imperfect Perfect Marriage

Do you have the feelings of hopelessness and despair that have become your companions, and you find yourself involved in a marriage relationship that is far from what you expected?

Do you want to strengthen and enhance your marriage relationship?

The Imperfect Perfect Marriage will ignite a hope in your heart and provide the necessary tools to improve your relationship.

The Imperfect Perfect Marriage is a must-read book on marriage. It would help in getting a perspective of what you truly want from your life, relationships with your spouse, him, and her loved ones.

The Perfect Marriage

The Perfect Marriage

Why is the divorce rate so high? What makes the perfect marriage? Why do people get married, and how can we find the perfect person for us and have a happy, successful marriage that will last forever?
This book is a deep analysis of marriage over the ages and discusses what kind of impact family and marriage have on our society, mental health, and overall lives. It is also a guide on how to find the right person, how to communicate well and attract someone in a natural and authentic way.

No More Perfect Marriages

No More Perfect Marriages

Many people say you can fix a broken marriage, but Mark and Jill show you how.” —Dr. Juli Slattery, psychologist, author, and president of Authentic Intimacy

No marriage is perfect. But every marriage can get better.

Do you feel like the spark is gone? Like a critical spirit has invaded your marriage? Like you want more intimacy, but something is in the way? You could be suffering from Perfection Infection.

The Perfection Infection happens when we cultivate unrealistic expectations of ourselves and our spouse, gradually leading to intimacy-killing behavior, also known as the “Seven Slow Fades.” That was the case for Jill and Mark Savage, and it eventually led to infidelity.



Marriages ought to be enjoyed not endured, and one ought to know how to tackle issues that threaten the peaceful atmosphere of our marriage and homes.
Problems are encountered daily in relationships and marriages but one can conquer them happily if equipped with the right and useful information.
This book provides pastors, marriage mentors, couples, young adults, and intending couples with a proven road map that masterfully combines timeless wisdom, critical relationship skills, and the use of a thorough and validated couple assessment to virtually eliminate relationship and marital obstacles.

Are You Ready for Opportunity?

If you are ready for an opportunity which means you are looking to ACT Now then you are in the right place to find something that resonates with you so you can decide to ACT NOW.

The ideal marriage

The ideal marriage

deal Marriage manages the actual issues of marriage. It centers around the sexual premise of hitched life and targets expanding the powers of shared fascination in marriage, through the advancement and improvement of physiological connections.

This book is coordinated into 10 parts. The parts center around the physiology of intimate life, since the information here is the vital premise, both hypothetical and useful, for progress in marriage. They endeavor to fill the hole which actually exists in logical writing for the clinical man or lady and simultaneously offer specialists a chance to allude to those patients who need guidance in this specific matter. This book gives everyone the information bearing upon the physiology and method of sexual congress, logically introduced.

This book will bear some significance with clinical experts and those intrigued by ideal marriage.



It’s no secret that effective communication is at an all-time low in today’s world. Communication between couples is essential for making things work long-term, through the good, bad, and ugly that life inevitably throws our way. You will discover and perhaps relate to why our society blatantly fails at communication, a variety of tips and techniques to better understand communication and the importance it holds within your relationship, and how to hone your nonverbal and sexual communication, among other things, in the chapters of this book. Any good relationship is built on communication. Strong relationship intimacy may be impossible to achieve unless spouses communicate effectively. Even a failing marriage When communication is used effectively apart can be saved. The bad in the history of marriage

The Almost Perfect Marriage

The Almost Perfect Marriage

There is no greater treasure on earth than a deeply shared experience of love.

In this wise and beautiful book, Stephanie Dowrick gently and confidently leads readers towards the attitudes and actions that will best support a genuinely loving intimate relationship – even with the extreme demands of contemporary life.

Practical and inspirational, this book is as much for people in longstanding relationships as it is for complete newcomers.

‘It’s not age, sexuality, wealth, religion, or culture that will determine the success of your relationship. It is your willingness to discover what love truly means.’



We now know that the desire to become attached to a partner is a natural human drive. And according to the new science of attachment, every person behaves in relationships in one of three distinct ways:
1) ANXIOUS people are often preoccupied with their relationships and tend to worry about their partner’s ability to love them back.
2) AVOIDANT people equate intimacy with a loss of independence and constantly try to minimize closeness.
3) SECURE people feel comfortable with intimacy and are usually warm and loving.


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Couples Communication Workbook

Couples Communication Workbook

We now know that the desire to become attached to a partner is a natural human drive. And according to the new science of attachment, every person behaves in relationships in one of three distinct ways:
1) ANXIOUS people are often preoccupied with their relationships and tend to worry about their partner’s ability to love them back.
2) AVOIDANT people equate intimacy with a loss of independence and constantly try to minimize closeness.
3) SECURE people feel comfortable with intimacy and are usually warm and loving.

The Art of Marriage

The Art of Marriage

This book is written and designed to allow couples to focus on each other. I want people to understand that there is hope, and to bring back the passion that generates a loving and successful marriage. I hope and pray that it will restore the love for each other that they once had. sadly it does take two willing people that want to save their marriage. There are people that have a desire to be so selfish, that you may not have a choice in the matter.
I know from experience to have a great marriage, loving marriage, wonderful marriage, God must be present in the marriage.

The Art of Marriage: A Guide to Living Life as Two

The Art of Marriage: A Guide to Living Life as Two

A witty, thought-provoking celebration of why marriage still matters and how to make yours work.
Taking anecdotes from history, the latest research, and insights about couples who stayed the course, writer and journalist Catherine Blyth offers an engaging tour of married life with entertaining advice on how to enjoy a successful marriage. She also shows how to deal with wandering eyes or in-laws who should be outlawed, and answers vital questions such as: Can housework improve sex life? Why should husbands argue? And why must wives relax?
In an age when skeptics like Elizabeth Gilbert and Lori Gottlieb urge us to “beware” or to “settle,” The Art of Marriage offers heartfelt inspiration. Readers will learn why marriage still casts its spell, and how-with optimism and some tactics-it can be better than ever.

TCourtship and Marriage And the Gentle Art of Home-Making