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Evergreen Audible living Alone Audiobooks

This page is dedicated to Evergreen Audible Being Single Audiobooks are audiobooks that stand the test of time and are relevant no matter when they are purchased and played. These audiobooks are ready and waiting to teach you what it is you need to know.

Amazing Evergreen Audible Living Alone Audiobooks for You

This page is dedicated to Audible Evergreen Being Single Audiobooks where audible audiobooks are recommended that will help you in your singleness. It is through these audiobooks and investment in them that your singleness will improve and your wellbeing becomes greater. This will help you personally both at work and in your business.

You can change your life by taking action today and following through with your decision for three weeks to form a habit and stick to it for 10,000 hours by consistently taking action which will move you to a place you have never been before called success.

Single on Purpose

Single on Purpose

The author of I Used to Be a Miserable F*ck, The Angry Therapist, now teaches you how to prioritize your relationship with yourself and live a more meaningful life, whether you’re alone, dating, or with a partner.

There’s more to life than loving someone. But being single can feel like a death sentence. Why does being alone equal being lonely? And why do we stop working on ourselves when we’re in a relationship? 

A Single Revolution

A Single Revolution

A Single Revolution is one book for single women that won’t approach you like you’re unfinished. It’s for those who are exhausted, frustrated, confused, or angry – who want relationships but don’t deserve to be miserable in the meantime. 

A grueling dating grind isn’t a prerequisite for partnership. You can be happily single and still meet someone – that’s allowed. It’s possible to value your single time so much that you refuse to give it up for anything less than the amazing relationships you deserve. It’s also possible to stop searching for them so relentlessly that you ignore every other aspect of your valid, beautiful life. This isn’t a book about dating. It’s a book about living. 

How to Be Single

How to Be Single

Discover the best way to take care of yourself and show yourself the love and kindness you deserve – learn how to be happy and comfortable alone!

So, you’re single. Maybe you always have been; maybe being single is new for you. Either way, the good news is you’re not alone!

There are countless people trying to navigate being single and all the feelings and experiences that go along with it. Yet, no matter how many single people there are in the world, society still has this idea that you need someone else in your life to be truly happy.

Flash news, you don’t – you can be perfectly happy alone, and this book will show you how!

The Joy of Being Single

The Unexpected Joy of Being Single

Having a secret single freak-out? Feeling the red, heart-shaped urgency intensify as the years roll on by? Oh hi! You’re in the right place.

Over half of Brits aged 25-44 are now single. It’s become the norm to remain solo until much later in life, given the average marriage ages of 35 (women) and 38 (men). Many of us are choosing never to marry at all.

But society, films, song lyrics and our parents are adamant that a happy ending has to be couple-shaped. That we’re incomplete without an ‘other half’*, like a bisected panto pony. Cue: single sorrow. Dating like it’s a job. Spending half our lives waiting for somebody-we-fancy to text us back. Feeling haunted by the terms ‘spinster’ or ‘confirmed bachelor’.

Audible Living Alone Audiobook Videos

Audible Living Alone Audiobooks are audiobooks that can be listened to by anyone, anywhere. They are very popular because they are so easy to use. With the advent of MP3 players and iPods, people have been able to listen to books while they do other things such as work out, take care of children, or even drive.

Many people like to read while doing other things, but it’s not always possible to carry around a book. Audible Living Alone Audiobooks solve this problem. Many people have found that they are able to read their favorite books while doing other things, and it has become a popular way for people to spend their time.

In addition, many people who love to read find that they don’t have the time to sit down and read a book. It can be difficult to get into a book when you’re busy with other things. Audible Living Alone Audiobook videos solve this problem too. People can simply watch a video and listen to the book at the same time.

The Dating Bible

The Dating Bible

The Dating Bible: The Ultimate Guide to Become a Real Pick Up Artist. Stop Being a Single Loser, and Get the Woman of Your Dreams

Are you single and in search of the woman of your dreams? You can’t find your better half? You want to make women fall for you easily?

Then keep reading to find out how to become an artist on pick-up!

You’ve probably already found out that there’s no one key to dating girls since every girl is different. Regardless of a girl’s personal preferences, there are some universal rules of dating that will help you land that second date, and maybe even a third.

Somebody Hold Me

Somebody Hold Me

Nearly 50 percent of Americans checked the “single” box in the 2010 census. Because we equate touch with sex, many of us suffer alone when we crave physical comfort and tenderness. Somebody Hold Me takes a simple, radical approach to health and relationships by teaching you how to get more platonic touch. 

Somebody Hold Me walks you through the increasingly fraught physical space between humans and allows for more connection and closeness through giving and receiving structured touch in your existing relationships.

Designed for people in alternative communities (burners, pagans, polyamorists, kinksters, asexuals, furries, ren festers, cosplayers) who have large circles of friends, Somebody Hold Me is a step-by-step guide to sharing touch with people you already know.


Sex and the Single Girl

Sex and the Single Girl

Still provocative after all these years, Helen Gurley Brown celebrates the pleasures of flirting, of enjoying affairs from beginning to end, throwing brunches and dinner parties, finding men where you might not think to look, dating (and ditching) married men, and being both feminine and powerful.

Understanding Sexual Attraction

Understanding Sexual Attraction

In this book, you will learn the answer to the age-old question “What do women want”. Not the fleeting thoughts of what women want, but the things that are hardwired into them. It will explore sexual attraction completely. You will learn and understand every single attraction trigger that women have, and why they have them. Broken down mathematically with graphs and percentages you will learn exactly what things matter when it comes to attraction.

You can also buy a few books from the library and then listen to them on your iPod. But, if you want to have more than one book at a time, or if you want to listen to different books, you will need to purchase some Audible Living Alone Audiobook videos.

The best thing about these videos is that they are very affordable. You can find them for as little as $1.99 per video. This is a great deal for people who want to read a lot. If you are a student or just someone who wants to improve his reading skills, this is a great way to do it.

It’s also a good idea to buy a few books from the local library. Then, you can listen to them while you work out, walk the dog, or just relax. You can also use these books as a reward for yourself when you have finished a project or a job.

If you are interested in learning how to improve your reading skills, you can find a number of audios on this topic. There are also a number of audiobooks available on any given topic. You may want to search online for some ideas.

Riding Solo: How to Embrace Being Single

Riding Solo: How to Embrace Being Single

Men don’t bring you happiness – you do. And being single is when it happens – learn how!

Society and your mother, is always busy telling you that you need to find a good man, “Why can’t you find a good man like Julie did? She got a great guy. You’re not getting any younger you know!” 

The truth is that you don’t need to find a good man.

Needing to find a guy puts you in a desperate frame of mind. 

Being desperate puts you in the wrong mindset for finding a great guy. If and when you do meet a guy, you will cling to him like saran wrap on a leftover pan of lasagna. 

You’ll change who you are so you think you’re his perfect woman.

Sing While You're Single

Sing While You’re Single

People who have been paired up for years don’t always understand what it’s like to be single after losing someone you love, being deeply hurt or betrayed, or being unable to find a suitable person to date in the first place. It’s difficult, nowadays, in the 21st century! And when you have standards for yourself, it’s even more of a challenge. 

Sing While You’re Single outlines ways that you can be productive, content, and stay sane while you’re waiting for the right kind of romantic partner to come around.

The Single Woman: Life, Love

The Single Woman: Life, Love

Smart, strong, independent – single women can live a fabulous life. Husband not required.

Mandy Hale, also known by her many blog readers and Twitter fans as The Single Woman, shares her stories, advice, and enthusiasm for living life as an empowered, confident, God-centered woman who doesn’t just resign herself to being single – she enjoys it! Being single has had its stigmas, but Mandy proves it has its advantages too, and she uses wisdom and wit to inspire her fellow single ladies to celebrate and live fully in the life God has given them.

Single That: Dispelling the Top 10 Myths

Single That: Dispelling the Top 10 Myths

Single – that does not mean broken, lonely, or desperate. Even if for extended periods, being single doesn’t mean that you’re bitter or hard to love. Listening to Single That gives you an eye-opening, insider perspective on women and dating that will expose these and many other toxic myths. 

Single That empowers you to refuse being defined by whether or not you have a significant other. Never again will you accept ideas meant to reduce your self-worth, because this practical guide eliminates them one by one. Whether dating, divorced, in a relationship, or learning how to be alone, you’ll receive fearless support in the belief that you’re enough. 

Take Action Today

Do You realize that your qualification that may get you a job is just a starting point and that's all? Don't make the mistake of sitting on your job for forty years while hoping you will get success because the truth is you may not ever get what you are looking for. You have to step out and build your own boat and set your own sail if you want true success. Make a decision not to be a failure in life by grabbing the opportunity with both hands and then TAKE MASSIVE ACTION. Diehard4education will help you to succeed if you remain positive in the way you think.

Audible Launches Video Series

Amazon’s Audible has launched its first-ever video series, and I am pleased to say that they are doing a great job. They are offering audiobooks for free on a monthly basis, and you can listen to them on your computer, or download them onto your mp3 player or phone.

You can listen to the books on your computer, or download the books to your mp3 player or cell phone. If you have a digital music player, then you can transfer the files from your computer to your player. The books are also available for free on the Audible website. You can download them to your computer and then listen to them on your computer. If you do not have a digital music player, you can purchase one and download the books to it.

There are currently over 250 titles available for free on the Audible site. There are some great books on this list, including the Harry Potter series, The DaVinci Code, and Twilight. There are also some great audiobooks on history and science.T

The Single Pringle

The Single Pringle

We’re encouraged to be comfortable doing our own thing these days. Female empowerment! Be independent! But many of us have yet to master the tools for living happily on our own.

Stacey June is here to help! With the assistance of a whole slew of experts, a wild variety of romantic and sexual partners, a few fairly average boyfriends, and some healers, yogis, and ‘kumbaya’ moments, Stacey dives into the principles of being comfortable alone, living independently, and going after every opportunity in life.

The Five Love Languages: Singles Edition

The Five Love Languages: Singles Edition

The five love languages work for everyone (they’re not just for married couples)…

In this world, we’re surrounded by more people than ever – yet we often still feel alone. Being single or married has nothing to do with whether you need to feel loved! Everyone has a Yah-given yearning for complete and unconditional love in the context of all relationships. If you want to give and receive love most effectively, you’ve got to learn to speak the right love language. 

Different people with different personalities express love in different ways. In fact, there are five very specific languages of love: Words of affirmation, gifts, acts of service, quality time, and physical touch. Dr. Gary Chapman’s original bestseller was first crafted with married couples in mind, but the love languages have proven themselves to be universal. The message of this audiobook is now tailored to meet the unique and real desires of single adults.

PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

Single but Dating: 10 Steps to a More Dateable You

Single but Dating: 10 Steps to a More Dateable You

How many times have you been confronted with a checklist that asks you to define yourself as single, married, widowed, or divorced? But what about those of us who don’t see ourselves in these boxes? What about the women who are happily single but dating?

In recent years what it means to be a single woman has evolved. We’re no longer sitting at home, waiting for the phone to ring. Sure, we’re looking for love, but why should we take ourselves off the market in the meantime?

Today, we want to do it all, without necessarily saying ‘I do: love affairs, casual flings, booty calls, internet dating, holiday romances, finding Mr. Right, Mr. Right Now, and even Mr. Wrong. We are open to the idea of marriage and true love but are making the most of the #singlebutdating life while we have it.

F*ck Him!: Nice Girls Always Finish Single

F*ck Him!: Nice Girls Always Finish Single

The MANipulator manual. Keep your man interested and begging for more without playing games.

Let me start off by explaining I am in no way talking about the sexual act. F**k him, in this case, is not physical – it’s mental.

So many women get in trouble in their love lives, and 99.9 percent of that trouble could have been avoided if they’d said “Well, f**k him!” a bit more often. Too many women are way too nice and compliant to their men, especially when these men don’t deserve that kind of treatment.

And yet, every woman I’ve ever met tries to not be needy or wear her heart on her sleeve. She simply wants to protect her feelings. Nevertheless, most women I’ve coached have had men seem very interested only to disappear suddenly. These women are left standing in the dark. Once the guy vanishes, they often find out it’s easier to get the president of the United States on the phone than the man who seemingly really liked them…just not enough to stick around.

This should stop.

hese books are free, and you can listen to as many books as you want. Some people like to listen to a book over and over again. This allows them to really get into the story, and enjoy it more than if they only listened to it once. These books are also great for people who like to travel. They can take these books with them and listen to them while driving.

If you are looking for an audio book that you can download to your mp3 player or phone, then this is a great way to find them. It is a good idea to check out the books before downloading them. Many of the books that you will find are very good, but there are also a few that are not so good. Once you download the books to your device, you can listen to them whenever you want.

There are a lot of books available on the Audible website. If you are looking for something new to read, then this may be a great option for you. Just go to the website and see what is available.

I Get It, I'm Single

I Get It, I’m Single

“So, when are you getting married?”

Whether it’s a well-meaning aunt, a nagging mother, your just-hitched best friend, or your inner voice, we’ve all experienced the marriage question and the awkward conversation that follows.

I Get It, I’m Single! is the book to help you realize that you don’t need to answer the marriage question. Being single in your 20s, 30s, and beyond is an entirely valid life choice, and is preferable to settling down with someone you don’t really love — or who doesn’t really respect or love you — before you’re ready to. This isn’t a book about insulting marriage or the decision to lead more traditional lives; instead, it’s about realizing that getting hitched when we’re barely out of high school or university is becoming an outdated concept that doesn’t fit with our modern world or lives as well as it used to, and you shouldn’t feel pressured into that role if you don’t want it!

Single Is the New Black

Single Is the New Black

Single Is the New Black presents a new angle sorely needed in the self-help/relationship genre – one that counteracts the tired, clichéd messages women typically field, e.g. “You’re too picky! You’re too needy! You’re too neurotic, which is why you aren’t married.” Single Is the New Black emboldens, rather than blames, and encourages women to stay true to themselves, remain strong, and never settle. It asserts that single women are smart, sexy, savvy “catches” that will eventually get “caught”. They aren’t screwed up and they can stop berating themselves for being single – it just hasn’t happened yet – which is perfectly fine because single is the new black! 

Single & Secure

Single & Secure

The latest book from Pastor Rich Wilkerson, Jr., Single & Secure, is a guide for living a fulfilling, abundant life, single. 

“Your best days are the days you live to the fullest. That starts now. Your best days aren’t the ones that lie ahead, somewhere on the other side of romance, a career, or a family. Your best days are the ones you’re living now.” 

Rich Wilkerson, Jr., has encouraged, counseled, and led thousands of individuals through the different seasons that life brings. His message in this book is clear: Life is made of seasons, and no season is lost or forever. Rich explains that marriage does not produce contentment. Rather, contentment comes from learning to find value in the season you’re experiencing today. With his typical wit and profound insight into the gospel and culture, Rich will take us on a journey to see the beautiful, fun, productive stage of life called being single in a new way. With that in mind, if you are single, were single, or know a single, this book is for you.

If I'm So Wonderful, Why Am I Still Single?

If I’m So Wonderful, Why Am I Still Single?

Relationship expert Susan Page asks one of life’s most puzzling questions: If I’m so wonderful, why am I still single? And she answers it in a fully revised and updated edition of her classic book first published 12 years ago. Full of Susan’s own brand of relationship advice, and with a new foreword that specifically addresses love and dating in the new millennium, If I’m So Wonderful, Why Am I Still Single? helps singles sweep aside popular excuses for not finding a mate and identify the real reasons love may seem so hard to find.

Are You Ready for Opportunity?

If you are ready for an opportunity which means you are looking to ACT Now then you are in the right place to find something that resonates with you so you can decide to ACT NOW.

Solving Single

Solving Single

You are the type of woman a man marries…yet you settle for being just another girl men string along.

Regardless of what commitment level you find yourself in, if you have yet to receive the ultimate commitment from the man you want, you are still single.

Stop waiting for a man to ask you out. Stop waiting for a man to make your relationship exclusive. Stop waiting for a man to reward your loyalty with an engagement ring. Stop waiting, period! Learn to free yourself from relationship purgatory and get the lasting commitment you deserve.

Single, Dating, Engaged, Married

Single, Dating, Engaged, Married

Navigating the four critical seasons of relationship

The vast majority of young people will still pass through the key phases of singleness, dating, engagement, and marriage in their twenties. Yet they are delaying marriage longer than any generation in human history. Why?

For the first time in history, the average age for an American woman having her first child, 26, is younger than the average age of her first marriage, 27. More children than ever are growing up in fatherless homes, despite the overwhelming evidence that in every measurable way this is bad for the child. The Center for Disease Control also recently reported a dramatic rise in sexually transmitted diseases nationwide. In Rhode Island alone, since the onset of online dating, reported cases of Syphilis have risen 79%, and HIV has increased by 33%.

Happy Single Mother

Happy Single Mother

Why are single mothers still portrayed as one-dimensional, hot messes? Why do holidays still somehow cost the same for single parents, as those traveling with partners? Why are we constantly told that children of single parents will be damaged for life?

In this myth-busting manifesto, Sarah Thompson shares her own experience of single motherhood, along with a range of case studies, and new research, to show you all the reasons why being a single parent is great, and should be celebrated.

With contributions from leading child psychologists, Sarah examines the positive impacts that being raised by a single parent can have on a child, including resilience, creativity, emotional intelligence, and independence.

Dating for Dads: The Single Father's Guide to Dating

Dating for Dads: The Single Father’s Guide to Dating

Here is the first book written specifically for men who date while answering to a higher authority: their children.

As a single father, you’re ready to begin dating again. But are your kids ready? In this much-needed guide, relationship expert Ellie Slott Fisher comes to the rescue with no-nonsense, no-judgments advice on everything from how to ask a woman out to navigating the potential minefield of overnight dates.

Single dads are as nervous as single moms about merging their parental responsibilities with their social lives, but they often don’t have intimate friendships in which to share their concerns. Drawing on her own experience as a single parent, interviews, and surveys she conducted with more than a hundred single fathers and their children, and the advice of family therapist Dr. Paul Halpern, Fisher gives the lowdown on a range of tricky topics

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