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why I have never been married

Marriage is an institution that is very dear to me. It is one of those things that I have always thought were great and something that I would like to have one day. But for now, I am content with what I have. I don’t think I will ever want to marry or get married. So I have to say that I have never been married. I have only had girlfriends, but none of them were serious. I have never had a boyfriend either. I am not sure if it is because I am too picky or if it is just because I am scared.

I have always thought that marriage was the most beautiful thing that you could do. I have always wanted to get married someday. I have always dreamed of having my own family. I have always wanted children. I think that I have always been this way because I have never been in a relationship that was serious. I have always been in relationships where it was fun. But I have never really had a girlfriend that was serious. I have never had anyone who I was dating seriously.

So I have always wanted to get into a serious relationship. But I have never done it. I have always wanted to be married. I have always wanted to have kids. But I have never done anything about it. I have always been afraid. I have always been scared. I have always been scared to take that next step. I have always been scared of getting hurt. I have always been scared that I would get into a serious relationship and then it would end up being a disaster. I have always been scared because I have never done it before. I have always been scared for the same reason. I have always been scared about the same thing. I have always been scared.

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