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why do I need friends

Friendship is one of the most important relationships that we have. We are always trying to find new friends, and when we find them, we want to keep them. This is true even if it is just a friendship with someone who lives next door.

We also need to be able to talk to our friends and get advice from them. They are often there for us when we need them. Friends help each other out by giving advice, helping each other with problems, and giving support.

Friends are like family members, but they are not blood relatives. Blood relatives are usually people who are related by marriage. Friends are people who you know and like. You may have met them through school or work, or you may have met them at church.

You may think that you don’t have any friends. If you don’t have any friends, you may feel lonely. You may wonder why this is happening.

Some people have trouble making friends. Sometimes it seems as if no one wants to be their friend. When you are young, you may make lots of friends. As you get older, you may start to realize that some of your friends are not really friends. They are just using you to get what they want.

If you are having trouble finding friends, you might want to look into joining a sports team. You will meet new people that way.

You may have heard that the best way to make friends is to go out and meet new people. You should try to do this, but sometimes you just can’t find anyone to go out with. You might think that you don’t have anything in common with the people around you.

Maybe you don’t like the same type of music, movies, or games as the people around you. Maybe you have different religious beliefs. You might even have different political views. It doesn’t matter what the differences are, as long as you have something in common.

It is very important to have friends. You need to have friends to help you with your problems. You need to be able to talk with your friends and to get advice from your friends. Friends are like family members, but you are not related by blood. You are related by friendship.

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