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why are relationships so important

Relationships are a very important part of life. Relationships give us strength, they provide us with support and they also give us love. If we do not have relationships we would not know what it feels like to be loved and cared for.

We need relationships because we need people around us to make us feel good. We also need people around us to make sure that we are not alone in this world. People also need other people around them to make sure that they are not lonely. It is also very important to have relationships because if we did not have them we would not be able to share our ideas, feelings, and thoughts with others.

It is important to have relationships with family members, friends, co-workers, and lovers. It is also important to have relationships with strangers as well. When we have relationships with people we will have more respect for each other. This will lead to better communication between people and less arguing and fighting. It is also important to get along with others so that we can get along with others. We should try to be friends with everyone we meet.

There are many reasons why relationships are so important. One reason is that we need to have relationships in order to be happy. We need people around us to make us feel good. We also need someone to talk to when we are sad or upset. If we were not able to have relationships then we would not know how to handle certain situations.

When we have relationships we also learn from others. We also learn new things from other people. This helps us grow as a person. Another reason why relationships are so important is that they teach us how to behave. If we had no one to teach us how to behave we would probably act in ways that would not be good for us. We also learn how to share with other people. Sharing is an important part of being human.

If we do not have relationships we might end up feeling lonely. This could happen because we do not have anyone to talk to about our problems or if we do have someone but they do not want to listen to us. If we are not able to share our ideas and feelings with other people we might become depressed. Depression is something that we should try to avoid at all costs.

There are many people who do not have any relationships. They might be shy or introverted. If they are shy they might not be able to approach people. If they are introverted they might not be able to talk to people. These people might feel lonely because they cannot find anyone to talk to.

When we do not have relationships we will not be able to enjoy our lives. This is why it is important to have relationships. We need to make sure that we have good relationships with family members, friends and co-workers.

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