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What is wellness?

The concept of wellness has been around for many years. The term was first used in the early 1900s when it referred to an individual’s overall physical and mental health. This definition has changed over time to include a person’s spiritual health as well. In today’s world, wellness has become a more comprehensive concept that encompasses the whole person, not just the physical body.

A person’s health and wellness can be defined by three aspects: physical, emotional, and spiritual. These aspects work together to make up one complete picture of wellness. Each aspect plays a role in keeping a person healthy and happy.

Physical Wellness

Physical wellness is defined as the state of being physically healthy. A person who is physically fit is someone who has a balanced diet, exercises regularly, and gets plenty of sleep. This type of person also tends to have a positive outlook on life and is less likely to be depressed. A physically fit person will feel good about themselves and will enjoy a better quality of life.

Emotional Wellness

Emotional wellness is defined as the state or condition of being emotionally healthy. Emotional wellness is achieved when a person has good relationships with family members and friends and has a positive outlook on life. This type of person is less likely to be depressed and is more likely to have a positive attitude toward life. An emotionally healthy person will feel good about himself or herself and will have a better quality of life. A person with poor emotional wellness is more likely to have negative feelings and thoughts, which will affect his or her physical and mental health.

Spiritual Wellness

Spiritual wellness is defined as the state in which a person feels connected to their higher self, or God. A person who is spiritually connected is someone who believes in a higher power and strives to do what they believe is right. They are usually kind and caring people who try to make a difference in this world. A person who is spiritually healthy will feel good about himself or herself and will strive to make the world a better place. A person with poor spiritual wellness will have negative feelings and thoughts, and may even have suicidal tendencies.

In order to be truly healthy, a person must address all three aspects of wellness. When each of these areas is addressed, a person will feel better about him or herself and will experience a better quality of life.

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