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how to find friends

Friendship is a very special relationship that we have with another person. We all need friends, and it is often difficult to find someone who has your interests and hobbies. In order to have a friendship, you have to have something in common with each other. You also have to be able to trust each other. It is easy to make friends when you are young, but it is much harder when you get older.

The first thing you need to do when you want to make a new friend is to decide what kind of friend you want to be. You will need to determine whether or not this person is someone you can trust. You will also need to know if they will be someone who shares your interests. If you don’t have anything in common, then it won’t be possible for you to be friends.

It is also important to remember that you will need to be honest with your friend. You don’t want to lie to them because they will start to doubt your character. If you want to be friends, you must be able to tell your friend everything that is going on in your life.

Once you have made your decision, you will need to go out of your way to make sure that you are friendly to your new friend. Try to spend time with your friend. This doesn’t mean spending every day together, but it does mean that you should spend some time together at least once a week.

If you are having trouble finding a friend, you may want to consider joining a group that has similar interests. There are many different groups available to join, such as book clubs, hiking clubs, or even sports teams. These groups are great ways to meet people who share your interests.

When you are looking for a friend, you should try to be open to the possibility of making friends with people that you wouldn’t normally talk to. You might be surprised by how many people are willing to be your friend. The only way to find out is to give it a try.

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