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How to use Webinars as a marketing tool

Webinars have become an essential part of today’s marketing world. They’re not just another way to promote your product or service. They’re also a powerful sales tool that can be used in many different ways. Here are some ideas on how you can use them as a marketing tool.

1. Use a webinar funnel to drive traffic to your site. You can offer a free webinar to your list and invite them to sign up for your product. You can also include a link to your site in the invitation email. This will help you build a relationship with your subscribers and make them feel more comfortable with you.

2. Use a webinar funnel as a pre-selling tool. Offer a free webinar and ask people to sign up for your product or service. You can also include a discount code in the invitation email. If you can convince them to buy before the webinar, they’ll be more likely to do it.

3. Use a webinar funnel for lead generation. Create a webinar to share information on your product or service and invite people to sign up. You can also offer a free report or bonus item as a thank-you gift.

4. Use a webinar funnel in conjunction with an autoresponder. Send out a series of emails leading up to your webinar. Each email should include a link to the webinar. You can also include a free gift to encourage people to sign up for your webinar.

5. Use a webinar funnel during a special event. You can offer free video training to attendees of a conference or seminar. This will give them something to take home and refer to in the future.

6. Use a webinar funnel when you want to increase sales. Have a webinar where you provide information on your product or service. You could also offer a free trial to people who sign up for your product.

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